INTRODUCTION452any traditional solution, Matrix 450N can manage the largest variety of codes thanks to thehigh resolution 2D-sensor. Therefore, maximum independence among code types, 1D or 2D,code resolution and code height is always guaranteed. Thanks also to the white lighting, alarge variety of colored codes are supported. Image captures can be optionally used formirroring the scanning process to a possible side panel.2.7.6 Static ScanMatrix 450N is a valid solution for scanning large stationary objects, from pallets to stackedtrays.There are multiple advantages in using Matrix 450N. First of all, no parts in movement – noscan rotor and no oscillating mirror – delivers crucial advantages in terms of maximumtolerance to vibration and shock, as for example a forklift may generate. Then, a comfortableno-flashing white illumination replaces the laser beam. And also the green spot and thebeeper are easy feedback for the operator, to validate a successful reading. In order toextend the illuminator life-cycle and also to save energy, the continuous illumination can beoptionally activated on a trigger basis, simply switched off during inactive periods.2.7.7 Manual Presentation ScanningIn Manual Material Handlingapplications, manualpresentation scanning is moreand more the preferred methodfor item identification obtainingmaximum productivity andoperational efficiency: while thestationary overhead readercontinuously scans the workingarea, the operator can easily andquickly handle objects of variousdimensions and weights, sinceno point-and-shot is required forscanning. No extra tools orinfrastructure is necessary in theworking area; no extra operationsfor part identification other thanpassing the object through thescanning zone. No training isrequired for users.The large coverage area andfast acquisition rate – byMatrix450N – permits rapidlyhandling objects in sequencewith great tolerance.White illumination and continuous high power mode enable top performance with themaximum comfort for operators.