14Left multifunction main oven55GENERAL FEATURESAs its name indicates, this is an oventhat presents particular features from anoperational point of view.In fact, it is possible to insert 7 differentprograms to satisfy every cooking need.The 7 positions, thermostatically con-trolled, are obtained by 4 heating ele-ments which are:– Bottom element 1200 W– Top element 1000 W– Grill element 2000 W– Circular element 2200 WNOTE: Upon first use, it is advisable tooperate the oven for 30 minutes in theposition and for another 30 minutesat the maximum temperature (thermostatknob on position 250) in the positionsand , to eliminate possible traces ofgrease on the heating elements.Clean the oven and accessories withwarm water and washing-up liquid.WARNING:The door is hot, use the handle.ATTENTION - MOST IMPORTANTPay special attention not to touchthe hot heating element inside theoven cavity.OPERATING PRINCIPLESHeating and cooking in the MULTI-FUNCTION oven are obtained in thefollowing ways:a. by normal convectionThe heat is produced by the upperand lower heating elements.b. by forced convectionThe fan draws in air contained with-in the oven housing at the rear ofthe oven and forces it over the circu-lar heating element. The hot airenvelops the food in the oven givinfaster and more even cooking beforeit is drawn back into the housing torepeat the cycle. It is possible to cookseveral dishes simultaneously due tothe even distribution of heat withinthe oven.c. by forced semi-convectionThe heat produced by the top andbottom heating elements is distrib-uted throughout the oven by thefan.d. by radiant heatThe food is grilled by the infra redgrill element.e. by radiant heat and ventilationThe food is grilled by the grill ele-ment is distributed throughout theovenf. by ventilationThe food is defrosted by using thefan only function without heat.Attention: the oven doorbecomes very hot during opera-tion. Keep children away.