SENTINEL 3 456. Click the OK button located in this section to save your configuration. Reboot theDVR by powering it off and then on again to confirm the changes. You must rebootthe DVR any time a change is made in the configuration menu.7. You should now be able to access your DVR simply by typing in your domainname (i.e. your router is set to automatically assign an IP address to your DVR (Dynamic/DHCP), your DVR’sinternal IP address may change if your DVR or router is rebooted. To resolve this problem, you need toconfigure your router to forward to this new address (simply replace the old private IP address with thenew one). To avoid this problem all together, you can set your router to Static LAN IP, which will assignthe same IP address to the DVR every time, even when the DVR or router is rebooted.7.8 ADDITIONAL TROUBLESHOOTINGI press play and nothing happensYou need to press STOP on the DVR first. This DVR can either record or view videofootage. It will not do both at the same time. Please make sure that you press STOPbefore proceeding.My browser keeps freezingFirst make sure you have an up to date browser and that the proper ActiveX options areselected. If they are, you may need to re-install your browser.I can’t remember my DVR’s passwordCall technical support to obtain the DVR’s master passwordI can’t see at night with my IR night vision cameraThese cameras are spec’d at 10-15ft in the dark. If you placed these cameras outdoors inthe open, the night vision will be reduced as there is nothing to reflect the IR emitted fromthe camera. To help increase the viewing capabilities add additional lighting to the area.The color is off on the cameraThese cameras have been designed with a high resolution lens which allows you to seecrisp clean images. The best lighting for this system is by using incandescent lighting.Other lighting effects will alter the color. You can adjust the color of the cameras in yourmenu settings. (see 7.2.2)NOTE:When entering an external or internal IP address, the port number is required and should be in thefollowing format: :2000 OR (some browser versions require a space, some do not)