112 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide53-1002116-01802.1x authentication configuration tasks11802.1x authentication configuration tasksThe tasks in this section describe the common 802.1x operations that you will need to perform. Fora complete description of all the available 802.1x CLI commands for the Dell FCoE hardware, seethe Converged Enhanced Ethernet Command Reference.Configure authenticationbetween the switch and CNA or NICFor complete information on the aaaConfig command, see the Fabric OS Command Reference andthe Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide.NOTEThe aaaConfig command attempts to connect to the first RADIUS server. If the RADIUS server is notreachable, the next RADIUS server is contacted. However, if the RADIUS server is contacted and theauthentication fails, the authentication process does not check for the next server in the sequence.To configure authentication, perform the following steps.1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.2. Add the RADIUS to the switch as the authentication server. This Fabric OS CLI command movesthe new RADIUS server to the top of the access list.switch:admin> aaaconfig --add -conf radius 13. Enter global configuration mode.switch:admin>cmshswitch#configure t4. Enable 802.1x authentication globallyswitch(config)#dot1x enable5. Enter the copy command to save the running-config file to the startup-config file.switch(config)#endswitch#copy running-config startup-configInterface-specific administrative tasks for 802.1xIt is essential to configure the 802.1x port authentication protocol globally on the Dell FCoEhardware, and then enable 802.1x and make customized changes for each interface port. Since802.1x was enabled and configured in “802.1x authentication configuration tasks”, use theadministrative tasks in this section to make any necessary customizations to specific interface portsettings.NOTE802.1x port authentication functions only on external ports.