Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide 12553-1002116-01RMON configuration and management 14switch(config)#interface intengigabitethernet 0/13. Enable the CEE interface.switch(conf-if-te-0/1)#no shutdown4. Configure RMON group statistics on the interface.switch(conf-if-te-0/1)#rmon collection stats 200 owner john_smith5. Enter the copy command to save the running-config file to the startup-config file.switch(conf-if-te-0/1)#exitswitch(config)#endswitch#copy running-config startup-configConfiguring RMON history collectionThe RMON history collection command collects the periodic statistical samples of RMON groupstatistics on an interface for later retrieval. By default, the collection of RMON history is notenabled. This option records periodic statistical samples from a network and stores them for laterretrieval. These samples include, but aren’t limited to:• Sample period• Number of samples• Items sampledTo enable collection history, perform the following steps from Privileged EXEC mode.1. Enter the configure terminal command to access global configuration mode.switch#configure terminal2. Enter the interface command to specify the CEE interface type and slot/port number.switch(config)#interface intengigabitethernet 0/13. Enable the CEE interface.switch(conf-if-te-0/1)#no shutdown4. Activate RMON history collection for the interface.switch(conf-if-te-0/1)#rmon collection history 1 buckets 20 interval 10 ownerjohn_smith5. Return to Privileged EXEC mode.switch(conf-if-te-0/1)#exitswitch(config)#end6. Display the RMON history.switch#show rmon historyRMON history control entry 1interface: ifIndex.1745682445 InTengigabitEthernet 0/13buckets requested: 20buckets granted: 20sampling interval: 10Owner: jsmith7. Enter the copy command to save the running-config file to the startup-config file.switch#copy running-config startup-config