10 Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide53-1002116-01FCoE Initialization Protocol1FIP logoutFIP logout operates as follows:• ENodes can log out from the Dell FCoE hardware using FIP. The Dell FCoE hardware in thefabric updates the MAC address, WWN, and PID mappings upon logout. The Dell FCoEhardware also handles scenarios of implicit logout where the ENode has left the fabric withoutexplicitly logging out.• FIP logout (LOGO)—The Dell FCoE hardware accepts a FIP LOGO from the ENode. The FIP LOGOACC should be sent to the ENode if the ENode MAC address matches the VN_port table on theDell FCoE hardware. The LOGO is ignored (not rejected) if the ENode MAC address does notmatch. The ENode logout is updated in the VN_port table. FPMA is supported.• Implicit logout—With the ENode directly connected to a CEE port, if the port that the ENode isattached to goes offline, the Dell FCoE hardware implicitly logs out that ENode. ENode logout isupdated in the VN_port table. The Dell FCoE hardware sends FCoE LOGO on behalf of theENode.FCoE loginThe Dell FCoE hardware FCoE login operates as follows:• ENodes can log in to the Dell FCoE hardware using FCoE encapsulated, FC Extended LinkService (ELS) frames. FLOGI and FDISC are accepted. Dell FCoE hardware in the fabricmaintains the MAC address to WWN/PID mappings per login. Class 2 FLOGI is not supported.• FCoE FLOGI—The Dell FCoE hardware accepts FCoE FLOGI from the ENode. FCoE FLOGI ACC issent to the ENode if the FCMAP matches the VN_port table on the Dell FCoE hardware.Requests are ignored if the FCMAP does not match. The ENode login is added to the VN_porttable.• FCoE FDISC—The Dell FCoE hardware accepts FCoE FDISC from the ENode. FCoE FDISC ACC issent to the ENode if the FCMAP matches the VN_port table on the Dell FCoE hardware. TheFCoE FDISC request is ignored if the FCMAP does not match. The ENode login is added to theVN_port table.• FCMAP—The Dell FCoE hardware accepts FCoE FLOGI from the ENode. The FCMAP determineswhich FCoE VLAN is accepted for the FCoE session.NOTEOnly one FCoE VLAN is supported in the Fabric OS v6.3.1_cee release.FCoE logoutThe Dell FCoE hardware FCoE logout operates as follows:• ENodes can log out from the Dell FCoE hardware using the FCoE encapsulated, FC ELS frame.Dell FCoE hardware in the fabric updates the MAC address to WWN/PID mappings uponlogout. The Dell FCoE hardware also handles scenarios of implicit logout where the ENode hasleft the fabric without explicitly logging out.• FCoE LOGO—The Dell FCoE hardware accepts the FCoE LOGO from the ENode. The FCoE LOGOACC is sent to the ENode if the ENode MAC address matches the VN_port table on the DellFCoE hardware. The LOGO is ignored (not rejected) if the ENode MAC address does not match.The ENode logout is updated in the VN_port table.