Setting Up the DR4000 System 29FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\bruce_wylie\Desktop\DellDocs\~Sidewinder_Docs_DR4000\FRAME_Conversion_DR4000_AdminGuide\~DR4000_AG_FD E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A R Y 1 / 1 0 / 1 2 - F O R P R O O F O N LY• Active Directory (displays the domain name of the Microsoft ActiveDirectory Services or is not configured if the system has not joined thedomain where Active Directory Services resides)• Alert Notification (displays the number of configured email notificationrecipients)• Time (displays the system time mode source used, the time zone, andthe current system date and time)System Configuration Page Options BarThe System Configuration page contains three key system options:• Edit Password—use this option to change the password used to log in tothe DR4000 system.NOTE: Editing your existing login password is different than resetting your loginpassword. Click Edit Password in the System Configuration page to edit your loginpassword to be any value that meets the system password requirements. For moreinformation, see "Modifying the System Password" on page 38.Click Reset Password in the Login page to reset your login password to the systemdefault value, which requires you to provide the service tag for your system. Formore information, see "Resetting the Default System Password" on page 38.• Shutdown—use this option to shut down the DR4000 system.CAUTION: Shutdown powers Off the appliance on which the system software isinstalled. Once in a powered Off state, you can power it On at its physical locationor using an iDRAC configuration to the system.• Reboot—use this option to reboot the DR4000 system.About the Support Page and OptionsIn the Support page, you can view the current support information for yoursystem. The Support page displays the following current Support Informationcategories:• Software Version• Service Tag• Last Diagnostic Run• BIOS Version• MAC Address