22 About Your SystemE1114 Ambient Tempexceedsallowed range.Ambient temperature hasa reached a point outsideof the allowed range.See "TroubleshootingSystem CoolingProblems" on page 147.E1116 Memorydisabled, tempabove range.Power cycleAC.Memory has exceededallowable temperature andhas been disabled toprevent damage to thecomponents.Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds andrestart the system.See "TroubleshootingSystem CoolingProblems" on page 147.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 169.E1210 Motherboardbatteryfailure. Checkbattery.CMOS battery is missingor the voltage is outside ofthe allowable range.See "Troubleshooting theSystem Battery" onpage 146.E1211 RAIDControllerbatteryfailure. Checkbattery.RAID battery is eithermissing, bad, or unable torecharge due to thermalissues.Reseat the RAID batteryconnector. See"Troubleshooting SystemCooling Problems" onpage 147.E1216 3.3V Regulatorfailure.Reseat PCIecards.3.3 V voltage regulator hasfailed.Remove and reseat thePCIe expansion cards.If the problem persists,see "TroubleshootingExpansion Cards" onpage 155.E1229 CPU # VCORERegulatorfailure.Reseat CPU.Specified processorVCORE voltage regulatorhas failed.Reseat the processor(s).See "Troubleshooting theProcessors" on page 156.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 169.Table 1-1. LCD Status Messages(continued)Code Text Causes Corrective Actions