26 About Your SystemE1620 Power Supply #(### W) ACpower error.Check PSUcables.Specified power supply'sAC input is outside of theallowable range.Check the AC powersource for the specifiedpower supply. If theproblem persists,see "TroubleshootingPower Supplies" onpage 147.E1624 Lost powersupplyredundancy.Check PSUcables.The power supplysubsystem is no longerredundant. If theremaining power supplyfails, the system willshut down.See "TroubleshootingPower Supplies" onpage 147.E1626 Power SupplyMismatch. PSU1= ### W, PSU2= ### W.The power supplies inthe system are not thesame wattage.Ensure that powersupplies with matchingwattage are installed.See the TechnicalSpecifications outlined inyour system’s GettingStarted Guide.E1629 Power required> PSU wattage.Check PSU andconfig.The system configurationrequires more power thanthe power supplies canprovide, even withthrottling.Turn off power to thesystem, reduce thehardware configuration orinstall higher-wattagepower supplies, and thenrestart the system.E1710 I/O channelcheck error.Review & clearSEL.The system BIOS hasreported an I/O channelcheck.Check the SEL for moreinformation and thenclear the SEL. RemoveAC power to the systemfor 10 seconds and restartthe system.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 169.Table 1-1. LCD Status Messages(continued)Code Text Causes Corrective Actions