About Your System 23E122A CPU # VTTRegulatorfailure.Reseat CPU.Specified processor VTTvoltage regulator hasfailed.Reseat the processor(s).See "Troubleshooting theProcessors" on page 156.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 169.E122C CPU PowerFault. Powercycle AC.A power fault wasdetected when poweringup the processor(s).Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds andrestart the system.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 169.E122D MemoryRegulator #Failed. ReseatDIMMs.One of the memoryregulators has failed.Reseat the memorymodules. See"Troubleshooting SystemMemory" on page 148.E122E On-boardregulatorfailed. Callsupport.One of the on-boardvoltage regulators hasfailed.Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds andrestart the system.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 169.E1310 Fan ## RPMexceedingrange. Checkfan.RPM of specified fan isoutside of the intendedoperating range.See "TroubleshootingSystem CoolingProblems" on page 147.E1311 Fan module ##RPM exceedingrange. Checkfan.RPM of specified fan inspecified module isoutside of intendedoperating range.See "TroubleshootingSystem CoolingProblems" on page 147.E1313 Fan redundancylost. Checkfans.The system is no longerfan redundant. Anotherfan failure would put thesystem at risk ofover-heating.Check LCD foradditional scrollingmessages. See"Troubleshooting a Fan"on page 148.Table 1-1. LCD Status Messages(continued)Code Text Causes Corrective Actions