Browser StepsGoogleChrome a. Click Show all downloads.b. In the Downloads window, at the warning message, clickKeep.c. In the downloads list, click the downloaded file URL.d. At the warning message, click Keep or Keep anyway.e. Click the jviewer.jnlp file. If a security message appears,click Run. The management console window is displayed.InternetExplorerClick Open to run the jviewer.jnlp file.ResultsThe KVM console is open and ready for use.Updating the BIOS, firmware and settingsScaleIO Ready Node deployments require specific versions of drivers, BIOS, andfirmware that have been qualified by Dell EMC. If the servers do not have the correctversions, you must update them.A variety of factors can influence a mismatch between the required versions and theversions installed on the servers, such as firmware updates post server shipment, or aFRU replacement with a different firmware version than in the warehouse. Forexample, if you have replaced the server system board, the FRU's BIOs and iDRACfirmware versions will be different.You are therefore required to verify that all server drivers, BIOS, and firmware meetthe required versions, as published in ScaleIO Ready Node Driver and FirmwareMatrix, before deploying a server in the ScaleIO Ready Node environment.To perform any updates needed to meet ScaleIO Ready Node requirements, use theScaleIO Ready Node Hardware Update Bootable ISO ("Hardware ISO"). TheHardware ISO is based on the Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit (DTK). The DTKprovides a framework of tools necessary for the configuration of PowerEdge servers.For ScaleIO, a custom script has been injected, along with specific qualified BIOS/firmware update packages.The Hardware ISO has been designed to make the firmware update process consistentand simple. You can use it to update firmware, BIOS, and configuration settings twodifferent ways, depending on how many ScaleIO Ready Node servers you areupdating:l To update the firmware, BIOS, and configuration settings on a single server, usethe iDRAC Virtual KVM.l If several servers in the ScaleIO Ready Node deployment require updates, it isrecommended that you use remote RACADM. RACADM allows for thesimultaneous update of the versions on multiple ScaleIO Ready Node servers, withminimal steps. For instructions, see Update the hardware using remote RACADMon page 68.For additional information regarding the Hardware ISO, see the reference section,DTK - Hardware Update Bootable ISO on page 68.Configuring the Hardware22 Hardware Configuration and Operating System Installation Guide - ESXi Servers