60 Solving ProblemsHard drive problemsE-Mail, Modem, and Internet ProblemsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow thesafety instructions in the Product Information Guide.NOTE: Connect the modem to an analog telephone jack only. The modem does notoperate while it is connected to a digital telephone network.R U N C H E C K DI S K —Windows XP:1 Click Start and click My Computer.2 Right-click Local Disk C:.3 Click Properties→ Tools→ Check Now.4 Click Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors and click Start.Windows Vista:1 Click Start and click Computer.2 Right-click Local Disk C:.3 Click Properties→ Tools→ Check Now.The User Account Control window may appear. If you are an administrator on thecomputer, click Continue; otherwise, contact your administrator to continue thedesired action.4 Follow the instructions on the screen.C H E C K T H E WI N D O W S M A I L EX P R E S S SE C U R I T Y SE T T I N G S — If you cannotopen your e-mail attachments:1 In Windows Mail, click Tools, click Options, and then click Security.2 Click Do not allow attachments to remove the checkmark.