92 Troubleshooting ToolsWindows Vista:1 Click the Windows Vista Start button , and click Help and Support.2 Type hardware troubleshooter in the search field and press to start the search.In the search results, select the option that best describes the problem andfollow the remaining troubleshooting steps.Restoring Your Operating SystemYou can restore your operating system in the following ways:• Microsoft Windows XP System Restore and Windows Vista™ SystemRestore return your computer to an earlier operating state withoutaffecting data files. Use System Restore as the first solution for restoringyour operating system and preserving data files.• Dell PC Restore by Symantec restores your hard drive to the operatingstate it was in when you purchased the computer. Dell PC Restorepermanently deletes all data on the hard drive and removes anyapplications installed after you received the computer. Use PC Restoreonly if System Restore did not resolve your operating system problem.• If you received an Operating System CD with your computer, you can use itto restore your operating system. Use the CD only if System Restore didnot resolve your operating system problem.Using Microsoft® Windows® System RestoreThe Windows operating systems provide a System Restore option which allowsyou to return your computer to an earlier operating state (without affectingdata files)if changes to the hardware, software, or other system settings have leftthe computer in an undesirable operating state. Any changes that SystemRestore makes to your computer are completely reversible.NOTICE: Make regular backups of your data files. System Restore does notmonitor your data files or recover them.NOTE: The procedures in this document were written for the Windows default view,so they may not apply if you set your Dell™ computer to the Windows Classic view.