Solving Problems 69Network ProblemsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow thesafety instructions in the Product Information Guide.RE I N S T A L L T H E M O U S E D R I V E R — See "Reinstalling Drivers and Utilities" onpage 89.RU N T H E HA R D W A R E TR O U B L E S H O O T E R — See "Troubleshooting Software andHardware Problems in the Microsoft Windows® XP and Windows Vista™Operating System" on page 91.CH E C K T H E N E T W O R K C A B L E C O N N E C T O R — Ensure that the network cable isfirmly inserted into both the network connector on the back of the computer andthe network port or device.CH E C K T H E N E T W O R K L I G H T S O N T H E B A C K O F T H E C O M P U T E R — If the linkintegrity light is off, that indicates no network communication exists. Replace thenetwork cable. For a description of network lights, see "Controls and Lights" onpage 166.RE S T A R T T H E C O M P U T E R A N D L O G O N T O T H E N E T W O R K A G A I NCH E C K Y O U R N E T W O R K S E T T I N G S — Contact your network administrator or theperson who set up your network to verify that your network settings are correct andthat the network is functioning.RU N T H E HA R D W A R E TR O U B L E S H O O T E R — See "Troubleshooting Software andHardware Problems in the Microsoft Windows® XP and Windows Vista™Operating System" on page 91.