82 Solving Problemsw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mTouch Pad or Mouse ProblemsPrinter ProblemsCHECK THE TOUCH PAD SETTINGS1 Click the Start button, click Control Panel, and then click Printers and OtherHardware.2 Click Mouse.3 Try adjusting the settings.CH E C K T H E M O U S E C A B L E — Shut down the computer (see page 35).Disconnect the mouse cable and check it for damage. Firmly reconnect the cable.If you are using a mouse extension cable, disconnect it and connect the mousedirectly to the computer.TO VERIFY THAT THE PROBLEM IS WITH THE MOUSE, CHECK THE TOUCH PAD1 Turn off the computer.2 Disconnect the mouse.3 Turn on the computer.4 At the Windows desktop, use the touch pad to move the cursor around, select anicon, and open it.If the touch pad operates correctly, the mouse may be defective.RE I N S T A L L T H E T O U C H P A D D R I V E R — See "Reinstalling Drivers and Utilities"on page 90.CH E C K T H E P R I N T E R C A B L E C O N N E C T I O N S — Ensure that the printercable is properly connected to the computer (see page 33).TE S T T H E E L E C T R I C A L O U T L E T — Ensure that the electrical outlet isworking by testing it with another device, such as a lamp.EN S U R E T H A T T H E P R I N T E R I S T U R N E D O N — See the documentationsupplied with the printer.G2806bk2.book Page 82 Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:48 AM