D-2 Dell OptiPlex GXi Midsize Systems Reference and Installation GuideCoverage During Years Two and ThreeDuring the second and third years of this limited war-ranty, Dell will provide, on an exchange basis,replacement parts for the Dell hardware product(s) cov-ered under this limited warranty when a part requiresreplacement. You must report each instance of hardwarefailure to Dell’s Customer Technical Support in advanceto obtain Dell’s concurrence that a part should bereplaced and to have Dell ship the replacement part. Dellwill ship parts using next-business-day delivery, shippingprepaid if you use an address in the continental U.S.Shipments to other locations will be made freight collect.Dell will include a prepaid shipping container with eachreplacement part for your use in returning the replacedpart to Dell. Replacement parts are new or reconditioned.Dell may provide replacement parts made by variousmanufacturers when supplying parts to you. The war-ranty term for a replacement part is the remainder of thelimited warranty term.You will pay Dell for replacement parts if the replacedpart is not returned to Dell within 30 days after the datethe replacement part was shipped by Dell and for partsused to repair systems not covered by this limited war-ranty. In these events, replacement parts will be priced atDell’s then-current standard prices. Payment for theseparts is due within 30 days from the date of invoice.NOTE: You accept full responsibility for your softwareand data. Dell is not required to advise or remind you ofappropriate backup and other procedures.GeneralDELL MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIESBEYOND THOSE STATED IN THIS WARRANTYSTATEMENT. DELL DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WAR-RANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. SOME STATES DO NOTALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRAN-TIES, SO THIS LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TOYOU.DELL’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MALFUNCTIONSAND DEFECTS IN HARDWARE IS LIMITED TOREPAIR AND REPLACEMENT AS SET FORTH INTHIS WARRANTY STATEMENT. THESE WARRAN-TIES GIVE YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, ANDYOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICHVARY FROM STATE TO STATE.DELL DOES NOT ACCEPT LIABILITY BEYONDTHE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTYSTATEMENT OR LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITH-OUT LIMITATION ANY LIABILITY FORPRODUCTS NOT BEING AVAILABLE FOR USE ORFOR LOST DATA OR SOFTWARE.SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSIONOR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSE-QUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE PRECEDINGEXCLUSION OR LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TOYOU.These provisions apply to Dell’s U.S. limited three-yearwarranty only. For provisions of any service contractcovering your system, refer to the separate servicecontract that you will receive.NOTE: If you chose one of the available warranty andservice options in place of the standard limited three-year warranty described in the preceding text, the optionyou chose will be listed on your invoice.Limited Three-Year Warranty(Canada Only)Dell Computer Corporation (“Dell”) manufactures itshardware products from parts and components that arenew or equivalent to new in accordance with industry-standard practices. Dell warrants that the hardwareproducts it manufactures will be free from defects inmaterials and workmanship. The warranty term is threeyears beginning on the date of invoice, as described in thefollowing text. This warranty is transferrable with thewarranted products.Damage due to shipping the products to you is coveredunder this warranty. Otherwise, this warranty does notcover damage due to external causes, including accident,abuse, misuse, problems with electrical power, servicingnot authorized by Dell, usage not in accordance withproduct instructions, failure to perform required preven-tive maintenance, and problems caused by use of partsand components not supplied by Dell.