viiWhen Working Inside Your ComputerBefore you remove the computer cover, perform the fol-lowing steps in the sequence indicated:1. Turn off your computer and any peripherals.2. Disconnect your computer and peripherals fromtheir power sources. Also, disconnect any tele-phone or telecommunication lines from thecomputer.Doing so reduces the potential for personal injury orshock.3. Touch an unpainted metal surface on the chassis,such as the power supply at the back of thecomputer, before touching anything inside yourcomputer.While you work, periodically touch an unpaintedmetal surface on the computer chassis to dissipateany static electricity that might harm internalcomponents.In addition, take note of these safety guidelines whenappropriate:• Do not attempt to service the computer system your-self, except as explained in this guide and elsewherein Dell documentation. Always follow installationand servicing instructions closely.• When removing a component from the system boardor disconnecting a peripheral device from the com-puter, wait 5 seconds after turning off the systembefore removing the component or disconnecting thedevice to avoid possible damage to the system board.• When you disconnect a cable, pull on its connectoror on its strain-relief loop, not on the cable itself.Some cables have a connector with locking tabs; ifyou are disconnecting this type of cable, press in onthe locking tabs before disconnecting the cable. Asyou pull connectors apart, keep them evenly alignedto avoid bending any connector pins. Also, beforeyou connect a cable, make sure both connectors arecorrectly oriented and aligned.• Handle components and cards with care. Don’t touchthe components or contacts on a card. Hold a card byits edges or by its metal mounting bracket. Hold acomponent such as a microprocessor chip by itsedges, not by its pins.Protecting Against ElectrostaticDischargeStatic electricity can harm delicate components insideyour computer. To prevent static damage, discharge staticelectricity from your body before you touch any of yourcomputer’s electronic components, such as the micro-processor. You can do so by touching an unpainted metalsurface on the computer chassis.As you continue to work inside the computer, periodi-cally touch an unpainted metal surface to remove anystatic charge your body may have accumulated.In addition to the preceding precautions, you can alsotake the following steps to prevent damage from electro-static discharge (ESD):• When unpacking a static-sensitive component fromits shipping carton, do not remove the component’santistatic packing material until you are ready toinstall the component in your computer. Just beforeunwrapping the antistatic packaging, be sure to dis-charge static electricity from your body.• When transporting a sensitive component, first placeit in an antistatic container or packaging.• Handle all sensitive components in a static-safe area.If possible, use antistatic floor pads and workbenchpads.The following caution appears throughout this documentto remind you of these precautions:CAUTION: See “Protecting Against ElectrostaticDischarge” in the safety instructions at the front ofthis guide.