Using Integrated Devices 4-57. Insert the NIC driver diskette into drive A. Thentype a:\wfw311 in the Install Driver dialog boxand click OK.8. In the Unlisted or Updated Network Adapterdialog box, select 3COM FAST ETHERLINKXL / ETHERLINK XL ADAPTER (3C90X) and click OK.9. In the Network Drivers dialog box, click Close.10. In the Network Setup dialog box, click OK.11. Remove the NIC driver diskette from drive A,save changes to any open files, and then clickRestart Computer.Microsoft Windows 3.xClient DriverInstall the Microsoft Windows 3.x client driver asfollows:1. Connect the integrated NIC to its networkaccording to the instructions in “Connecting to aNetwork” found earlier in this chapter.2. If Windows is not yet installed on the system, fol-low the instructions in “Using AutoLink toConfigure a Single 3C90x NIC” or “Using Installto Configure Multiple 3C90x NICs” found later inthis chapter. Otherwise, continue to step 3.3. If Windows is already installed, double-click theWindows Setup icon in the Main program group.4. From the Options menu, select CHANGE NETWORKSETTINGS.5. From the Network Setup menu, click Drivers.6. From the Network Drivers menu, click AddAdapter.7. Select 3COM FAST ETHERLINK XL/ETHERLINK XLADAPTER (3C90X) and click OK.8. After the driver has been installed, restartWindows.MS-DOS Client DriverYou can use the 3Com AutoLink program to automatic-ally configure the NIC if you do not have any additionalNICs installed in the system, your network is using Net-Ware 3.12 or 4.10, and your system will be used as aNetWare DOS Open Data-Link Interface (ODI) client.Otherwise, you must use the 3Com Install program toconfigure the NIC.Using AutoLink to Configure a Single 3C90x NICTo configure a single 3C90x NIC, follow these steps:1. Boot the system to MS-DOS.For instructions, see your MS-DOS referencedocumentation.2. Insert the NIC driver diskette into drive A. Thentype a: and press < ENTER>.3. Type autolink and press < ENTER>.The first time you run the Install program, a licenseagreement screen appears. To accept the terms andconditions of the license agreement, type y and press<ENTER>. Several messages appear while AutoLinkis running. A final message indicates that the instal-lation was successful.If the installation is unsuccessful, view or print thecontents of the autolink.log file stored on the NICdriver diskette.When the installation is complete, you are asked ifyou want to restart the computer.4. Remove the NIC driver diskette and restart thecomputer.Using Install to Configure Multiple 3C90x NICsNOTE: Use multiple NICs in a client computer only ifyou plan to run multiple protocols or connect to morethan one network. For information on multiple protocols,see your operating system documentation.To configure multiple 3C90x NICs (the integrated NICand a NIC expansion card) under MS-DOS, Windows 3.x,or Windows for Workgroups, follow these steps:1. Connect the integrated NIC to its networkaccording to the instructions in “Connecting to aNetwork” found earlier in this chapter.2. Configure the integrated NIC according to theinstructions in the preceding subsection, “UsingAutoLink to Configure a Single 3C90x NIC.”3. Install the NIC expansion card according to theinstructions in “Installing an Expansion Card” in