Installing Drives 7-7drive, the boot EIDE drive should be configured as themaster drive connected to the EIDE interface on the sys-tem board. Before installing a second EIDE drive, youmust designate it as the slave drive.Assigning the master and slave designations usuallyinvolves resetting jumpers on the circuit card on theunderside of each drive. The master/slave relationship isdefined in different ways for different types of drives. Fordetails about your specific drive, refer to the drivedocumentation included in your upgrade kit. That docu-ment describes how to reconfigure both drives to ensurecorrect operation.NOTES: If you want to install a second EIDE drive that isa different type from the first drive but you do not havethe specifications for the first drive, do one of thefollowing:• If you purchased the drive from Dell, you can contactDell for the necessary reconfiguration information.(See the chapter titled “Getting Help” in the Diag-nostics and Troubleshooting Guide for instructionson obtaining technical assistance.)• If you did not purchase the drive from Dell, call thedrive manufacturer.With the two EIDE interface connectors on the systemboard, your system can support up to four EIDE devices.EIDE hard-disk drives should be connected to the EIDEinterface connector labeled “IDE1.” (EIDE tape drivesand CD-ROM drives should be connected to the EIDEinterface connector labeled “IDE2.”)Installing an EIDE Hard-Disk Drive in theHard-Disk Drive BracketInstall an EIDE hard-disk drive in the hard-disk drivebracket as follows:1. If you are replacing a hard-disk drive that con-tains data you want to keep, be sure to make abackup of your files before you begin thisprocedure.Check the documentation that accompanied the driveto verify that it is configured for your computersystem.2. Prepare the drive for installation.Ground yourself by touching an unpainted metal sur-face on the back of the computer, and unpack thedrive. Check the documentation that accompaniedthe drive to verify that it is configured for your com-puter system.3. Remove the computer cover as instructed in“Removing the Computer Cover” in Chapter 5.4. Remove the drive bracket from the chassisIf a hard-disk drive is already installed on the drivebracket, disconnect the DC power cable and EIDEcable from the drive.Remove the screw securing the hard-disk drivebracket to the front wall of the chassis (see Fig-ure 7-10).Grasp the front part of the bracket that serves as ahandle, and rotate the bracket up toward the back ofthe computer until it disengages from the floor of thechassis..Figure 7-10. Removing the Hard-Disk DriveBracketCAUTION: See “Protecting Against Electro-static Discharge” in the safety instructions atthe front of this guide.screw securingdrive to chassis“handle” on bracket