Server Inventory for MCM groupThe Chassis Group Health page displays all the member chassis and allows you to save the server inventory report to afile, using standard browser download capability. The report contains data for:• All servers currently in all the group chassis (including the leader.)• Empty slots and extension slots (including full height and double width blades.)Saving Server Inventory ReportTo save the server inventory report using CMC Web interface:1. In the system tree, select the Group. The Chassis Group Health page is displayed.2. Click Save Inventory Report. The File Download dialog box is displayed prompting you to open or save the file.3. Click Save and specify the path and file name for the blade inventory report.NOTE: The Chassis Group leader and Chassis Group member chassis, and the blades in the associatedchassis, must be On to get the most accurate blade inventory report.Exported DataThe server inventory report contains data that was most recently returned by each Chassis Group member during theChassis Group leader’s normal polling (once every 30s.)To get the most accurate server inventory report:• The Chassis Group leader chassis and all Chassis Group member chassis must be in Chassis Power State On.• All servers in the associated chassis must be powered on.The inventory data for the associated chassis and servers may be missing in inventory report, if a subset of the ChassisGroup member chassis are:• In Chassis Power State Off• Powered offNOTE: If a server is inserted while the chassis is powered off, the model number is not displayed anywherein the Web interface until the chassis is powered back.The following table lists the specific data fields and specific requirements for fields to be reported for each server:Table 10. : Blade Inventory Field DescriptionsData Field ExampleChassis Name Data Center Chassis LeaderChassis IP Address Location 1Slot Name SLOT-01Host Name Corporate WebserverNOTE: Requires a Server Administrator agent runningon the Server; otherwise shown as blank.74