Introduction 11Using Sever AdministratorServer Administrator Version 1.8.3 provides a convenient and easy-to-use graphical user interfacefor remotely configuring or managing your system’s BMC on a system running a supportedoperating system. The Server Administrator Instrumentation Service can be used to configure themost relevant BMC features. In addition, Server Administrator can be utilized as command lineinterface. Server Administrator requires that the system has an operating system installed andfunctioning. As a result, Server Administrator is best suited for everyday BMC management tasks,and is not an option for performing pre-boot setup or accessing the BMC as a emergencymanagement console. To use Server Administrator, you will need to perform the following basictasks:• Install Server Administrator on the managed system.• Remotely access the Server Administrator home page from a supported browser on amanagement station.• Remotely configure BMC on the managed system.See the Server Administrator Version 1.8.3 User’s Guide and Command line Interface User’s Guidefor more information about using Server Administrator to configure and manage your systemBMC.Other Dell Documents You Might NeedIn addition to this User's Guide, you can find the following guides either on the Dell Supportwebsite or on the Systems Management and Documentation CD:• The Dell OpenManage Software Quick Installation Guide provides additional informationabout installing the BMC Management Utility on a management station.• The Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 1.8.3 User’s Guide provides additionalinformation about using Server Administrator to manage your system’s BMC.• The Dell PowerEdge 7250 Systems Product Guide provides supplemental information aboutconfiguring your BIOS settings to allow console redirection.Additionally, you can find the following guide on the Resource CD:• The Dell PowerEdge 7250 System Software Guide provides information about using theSystem Maintenance Utility to configure and manage your system.The Server Administrator version 1.8.3 readme.txt file provides the latest available information forthe installation and operation of the programs and utilities used to manage your system throughthe BMC. The readme is available on the Systems Management and Documentation CD and on theDell Support website at