22 Using the Baseboard Management Controllerw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mTo generate a CSR, enter a value in the field for each CSR attribute and click Generate.NOTE: Each new CSR overwrites any previous CSR on the firmware. For a certificate authority to acceptyour CSR, the CSR in the firmware must match the certificate returned from the CA.Table 1-24. Certification Management Page OptionsSettings DescriptionGenerate a New CertificateSigning Request (CSR)Select the option and click Next to open the CSR page that enablesyou to generate a CSR to send to a CA to request a secure Webcertificate.NOTE: Each new CSR overwrites any pervious CSR on the firmware. Fora CA to accept your CSR, the CSR in the firmware must match thecertificate returned from the CA.Upload Server Certificate Select the option and click Next to open the Certificate Upload pagewhere you can upload an existing certificate that your company hastitle to, and uses to control access to the iBMC.NOTE: Only X509, Base 64 encoded certificates are accepted by theiBMC. DER encoded certificates are not. Uploading a new certificatereplaces the default certificate you received with your Dell RemoteManagement Controller.View Server Certificate Select the option and click Next to open the View Server Certificatepage where you can view the current server certificate.Table 1-25. Certification AttributesAttributes DescriptionCommon Name The exact name being certified (usually the Web server's domainname, for example, http://www.xyzcompany.com/). Onlyalphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores, and periods are valid.Spaces are not valid.Organization Name The name associated with this organization. Only alphanumericcharacters, hyphens, underscores, periods, and spaces are valid.Organization Unit The name associated with an organizational unit, such as adepartment. Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores,periods, and spaces are valid.Locality The city or other location of the entity being certified. Onlyalphanumeric characters and spaces are valid. Do not separate wordsusing an underscore or some other character.State Name The state or province where the entity that is applying for acertification is located. Only alphanumeric characters and spaces arevalid. Do not use abbreviations.