About Your System 33E2010 Memory notdetected.InspectDIMMs.No memory detected in thesystem.Install memory or reseatthe memory modules. See"Installing MemoryModules" on page 97 or"Troubleshooting SystemMemory" on page 159.E2011 Memoryconfigurationfailure.Check DIMMs.Memory detected, but is notconfigurable. Error detectedduring memoryconfiguration.See "TroubleshootingSystem Memory" onpage 159.E2012 Memoryconfiguredbut unusable.Check DIMMs.Memory configured, but isunusable.See "TroubleshootingSystem Memory" onpage 159.E2013 BIOS unableto shadowmemory. CheckDIMMs.The system BIOS failed tocopy its flash image intomemory.See "TroubleshootingSystem Memory" onpage 159.E2014 CMOS RAMfailure.Power cycleAC.CMOS failure. CMOS RAMnot functioning properly.Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds andrestart the system.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 185.E2015 DMAControllerfailure.Power cycleAC.DMA controller failure. Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds andrestart the system.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 185.E2016 InterruptControllerfailure.Power cycleAC.Interrupt controller failure. Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds andrestart the system.If the problem persists,see "Getting Help" onpage 185.Code Text Causes Corrective Actions