About Your System 39Alert! NodeInterleavingdisabled! Memoryconfigurationdoes not supportNodeInterleaving.The memory configurationhas changed (for example, amemory module has failed)so that node interleavingcannot be supported. Thesystem will run but withoutnode interleaving.Ensure that the memorymodules are installed in aconfiguration that supportsnode interleaving. Checkother system messages foradditional information forpossible causes. For memoryconfiguration information,see "General MemoryModule InstallationGuidelines" on page 93. Ifthe problem persists, see"Troubleshooting SystemMemory" on page 159.Alert! Powerrequired exceedsPSU wattage.Check PSU andsystemconfiguration.Alert!Continuingsystem bootaccepts the riskthat system maypower downwithout warning.The system configuration ofprocessor(s), memorymodules, and expansioncards may not be supportedby the power supplies.If any system componentswere just upgraded, returnthe system to the previousconfiguration. If the systemboots without this warning,then the replacedcomponent(s) are notsupported with this powersupply. If Energy Smartpower supplies are installed,replace them with the HighOutput power supplies to usethe components. See "PowerSupplies" on page 85.Alert! Redundantmemory disabled!Memoryconfigurationdoes not supportredundantmemory.Redundant memory wasenabled in the system setupprogram, but the currentconfiguration does notsupport redundant memory.A memory module may befaulty.Check the memory modulesfor failure. See"Troubleshooting SystemMemory" on page 159. Resetthe memory setting, ifappropriate. See "Using theSystem Setup Program andUEFI Boot Manager" onpage 53.Message Causes Corrective Actions