5LDAP Feature for the RCSxxx | xxx105LDAP Feature for the RCSLDAP is a protocol standard used for accessing and updating a directory usingTCP/IP. The Dell RCS software and OBWI supports both standard and Dellextended schema, and offers strong security features including authentication,privacy, and integrity.NOTE: Windows 2008 Server is required to use LDAP in IPv6 mode.NOTE: Use of Microsoft Active Directory to recognize RCS users is supportedon the Microsoft Windows® 2000 and Windows Server 2003 operatingsystems.The Structure of Active DirectoryAn Active Directory (AD) deployment consists of a distributed databasecontaining hierarchical structures of objects. Each object is associated with anobject class that determines what kinds of data can be stored in that object.The hierarchical structures begin with objects that represent AD domains,deployed to form a hierarchy of domain names that can be represented in a treediagram the same way DNS name spaces are usually depicted. Dell RCSs aredesigned to support a single tree of domains that are deployed in either ashallow or deep hierarchical name structure.Domain Controller ComputersAssociated with the Domain hierarchy is the corresponding hierarchy of DomainController computers where AD provides LDAP services. Each domain mayhave multiple peer Domain Controllers and may also be distributed acrossgeographical sites. The suite of Dell RCSs is designed to support both of these