Start the Control UtilityThe control utility program is by default set up to run automatically upon each system startup. If the utility does not startautomatically, click Start -> Programs -> Dell TrueMobile 2300 Wireless Broadband Router -> Dell Control Utility to invokethe utility program.Once running, a router icon is created in the system tray. If you have a good connection to the Internet, the system tray iconlooks like this . You can Double-click the router icon to open the utility panel.Note: If the icon is in yellow , it indicates that the Internet connection is not active. If the icon is in red , itindicates that the connection to the router has failed.Back to TopExit the Control UtilityWhen you start the control utility program, it will place a small icon like this to the system tray. If you want to exit theprogram, right-click the utility icon docked in the system tray to open a menu. Select Exit from the menu to quit the program.Note: If you click close button on the window title bar, it only hides Control Utility panel, not really exiting theprogram.Back to TopBack to Contents Page