Edit Click on the record needs to be modified in the list and then click "Edit" button. Then, adialog box will appear for you to edit it.Delete If you want to delete the record from the list, click on the record you want to delete andthen click "Delete" button to remove it from the list.Delete All Click "Delete All" button to delete all the records in the list.Restore Click the "Restore" button to restore to the previous settings.Parental ControlIn the wake of increasing concern by parents about inappropriate content on the Internet, the router providesparental control function to filter and block inappropriate website (such as sex and violence related sites). ParentalControl enables you to determine what website your children can and cannot access. It also allows you to specifywhat time children can access the Internet.Step-by-step to add an new entry1. Check the Enable Parental Control box.2. Click Add button. A pop-up Parental Control window will appear.3. Enter the IP address of the computer you want to control (for example, your child's computer) in the HostIP field.4. Select Allowed or Denied from the Internet Access list.5. Decide the time Interval. Check the radio button of Permanent if this rule always applies or specify aperiod of time for Internet access control.6. Select allow or deny for web access.7. Specify which website is allowed / denied by entering its URL in the Website URL field.8. Click the OK button to apply. Or click the Cancel button to exit without making any change.9. Click the Apply Parental Control Settings button on the bottom of the screen to activate the newsettings.MACThis feature filters specific MAC (Media Access Control) addresses within the wireless local area network (WLAN)from accessing the network.Step-by-step to add an new entry1. Check the Enable MAC Access Control box. The following MAC Access Control Settings window willappear.2. Click Add button. A pop-up MAC Access Control: Add Entry window will appear.3. Enter the hexadecimal characters of the MAC address (for example, 00:11:22:33:44:55) that you want togrant or deny the access in Host MAC box.4. Select Grant or Deny from the Operating Type list. If you select Grant, the device with this MAC Addressis allowed to access the network, and the device with other MAC address will be filtered and denied toaccess the network.NOTE: The operating type for ALL records MUST be either Grant or Deny.5. Click the OK button to apply. Or click the Cancel button to exit without making any change.6. You can click on the selected record and click again on its Host Name to enter the desired name for thisrecord.7. Click the Apply MAC Control Settings button on the bottom of the screen to activate the new settings.Back to TopGamingIn some cases, the firewall feature of the router will cause a game not to function as intended. The settings listedon the Gaming menu can solve these problems. This section will guide you how to configure the device forgaming.Your TrueMobile 2300 Router has an integrated Network Address Translation (NAT) firewall that rejects anyunsolicited data from the Internet to access the computer on your LAN. Basically, if you do not request data, the