Glossary 185Network connections cannot be protected by surgeprotectors. Always disconnect the network cable from thenetwork connector during electrical storms.SVGA — super-video graphics array — A video standardfor video cards and controllers. Typical SVGA resolutionsare 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768.The number of colors and resolution that a programdisplays depends on the capabilities of the monitor, thevideo controller and its drivers, and the amount of videomemory installed in the computer.S-video TV-out — A connector used to attach a TV ordigital audio device to the computer.SXGA — super-extended graphics array — A videostandard for video cards and controllers that supportsresolutions up to 1280 x 1024.SXGA+ — super-extended graphics array plus — A videostandard for video cards and controllers that supportsresolutions up to 1400 x 1050.system board — The main circuit board in your computer.Also known as the motherboard.system setup — A utility that serves as an interfacebetween the computer hardware and the operatingsystem. System setup allows you to configure user-selectable options in the BIOS, such as date and time orsystem password. Unless you understand what effect thesettings have on the computer, do not change the settingsfor this program.TTAPI — telephony application programming interface —Enables Windows programs to operate with a wide varietyof telephony devices, including voice, data, fax, and video.text editor — A program used to create and edit files thatcontain only text; for example, Windows Notepad uses atext editor. Text editors do not usually provide word wrapor formatting functionality (the option to underline,change fonts, and so on).TPM — trusted platform module — A hardware-basedsecurity feature that when combined with securitysoftware enhances network and computer security byenabling features such as file and e-mail module — A plastic device designed to fit insidethe module bay of a portable computer to reduce theweight of the computer.UUMA — unified memory allocation — System memorydynamically allocated to video.UPS — uninterruptible power supply — A backup powersource used when the electrical power fails or drops to anunacceptable voltage level. A UPS keeps a computerrunning for a limited amount of time when there is noelectrical power. UPS systems typically provide surgesuppression and may also provide voltage regulation.Small UPS systems provide battery power for a fewminutes to enable you to shut down your computer.USB — universal serial bus — A hardware interface for alow-speed device such as a USB-compatible keyboard,mouse, joystick, scanner, set of speakers, printer,broadband devices (DSL and cable modems), imagingdevices, or storage devices. Devices are plugged directly into a 4-pin socket on your computer or in to a multi-porthub that plugs in to your computer. USB devices can beconnected and disconnected while the computer is turnedon, and they can also be daisy-chained together.UTP — unshielded twisted pair — Describes a type ofcable used in most telephone networks and somecomputer networks. Pairs of unshielded wires are twistedto protect against electromagnetic interference, ratherthan relying on a metal sheath around each pair of wires toprotect against interference.UXGA — ultra extended graphics array — A videostandard for video cards and controllers that supportsresolutions up to 1600 x 1200.Vvideo controller — The circuitry on a video card or on thesystem board (in computers with an integrated videocontroller) that provides the video capabilities—incombination with the monitor—for your memory — Memory that consists of memory chipsdedicated to video functions. Video memory is usually