Ch ap te r 2 Co n tro l Reg is te r2 - 72_TUCR#TK CH1Page0Add. (Hex)TK CH2Page10Add. (Hex)Attribute Name Description Defaultcontrol K1: CoolingK2: AlarmNote: not for DVP02TUL-S/DVP02TKL-S#21 015 0F5 R/W O Output setupK0: cyclic outputK1: immediately outputDVP02TUN-S/ DVP02TKN-S:K0 (default)DVP02TUR-S/ DVP02TKR-S:K1 (default)Note: not available forDVP02TUL-S/DVP02TKL-SK0/K1#23 R/W OOutput 1:heating/coolingcontrol cyclesetupDVP02TUN-S/ DVP02TKN-S:1~990 at 0.1 per second, default:K10.DVP02TUR-S/ DVP02TKR-S:30~990 at 0.1 per second (default)Note: not available forDVP02TUL-S/DVP02TKL-S.K10#24 R/W OOutput 2:heating/coolingcontrol cyclesetupK30#25 R/W O Alarm 1 outputK0~K12, please refer to the errorcode description.Note: not available forDVP02TUL-S/DVP02TKL-S.K0#26 R/W O Alarm 2 output K0#27 R/W OAlarm output 1upper-limitsetupK0#28 R/W OAlarm output 1lower-limitsetupK0#29 R/W OAlarm output 2upper-limitsetupK0#30 R/W OAlarm output 2lower-limitsetupK0#32 R/W OPV upper-limitsetup for acorrespondingoutputFor DVP02TUL-S seriesWhen the input value varies, thecorresponding output will varyaccordingly. Take 4~20mA as anexample, and set the upper-limit to1000, lower-limit to 0; when thereading is 0, the output will be 4mAand when the reading is 1000, theK1000#33 R/W OPV lower-limitsetup for acorrespondingK0