ENGLISHGetting Started Connections Playback Information Troubleshootingq Select “Detail” and press ENTER.w Use o p to select the Mode and press i.[Selectable items]Infrastructure : Select when communicationis via an access point.Ad-hoc : Select during directcommunication, when anaccess point is not used.e Use uio p to input the name of the wirelessnetwork (SSID) and press ENTER.[Characters that can be input]A ~ Z a ~ z 0 ~ 9! “ # % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] (space)r Use ui to select the Security and press i.[Selectable items]None :Select if not encrypted.Can also be used even without encryption,through we recommend encryption for improvedsecurity.WEP WPA-PSK(TKIP) WPA-PSK(AES)WPA2-PSK(AES) :Select the encryption method according to theencryption setting of the access point you areusing.b When connecting to a “WEP” encrypted network,set the access point “Default Key” to “1”.t Use uio p to input the “Key” (encryptionkey) and press ENTER.Enter the same encryption key as used for theaccess point.[Characters that can be input]A ~ Z a ~ z 0 ~ 9! “ # % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] (space)When no security settings have been used inthe Internet connection settings, this step is notnecessary.y Use i to select “Connection” and pressENTER.Network connection starts.ASD-3W performs automatic network setup dueto the DHCP function.When connecting to a network that has no DHCPfunction, perform the setting in step 4.4 Set the IP address.b For details, see page 12, 13 “Wired LAN settings”in step 3.SetupIf you are using a router with no DHCP function toautomatically assign the IP address, set the IP addressmanually.n Manual settingsq Select “Detail”.w Select the communication mode.Example) Infrastructurer Select theencryption method.Example) WEPy Select “Connection”.t Enter encryptionkey.e Input the SSID.