60ENGLISH2. Speaker SetupSpeaker Setup Default settings345SpeakerConfigurationChannelLevelCrossoverFrequencySubwoofermodeInput the combination of speakers in yoursystem and their corresponding sizes (SMALL forregular speakers, LARGE for full-size, full-range) toautomatically set the composition of the signalsoutput from the speakers and the frequencyresponse.This adjusts the volume of the signals output fromthe speakers and subwoofer for the differentchannels in order to obtain optimum effects.Set the frequency (Hz) below which the bass so ofthe various speaker is to be output from thesubwoofer.This selects the subwoofer speaker for playingdeep bass signals.SurroundmodeSurroundspeakerFront Sp.LargeCenter Sp. Surround Sp.A / BSubwooferSmall SmallYesFront L & R Center Surround L & RSubwoofer3.6 m (12 ft) 3.6 m (12 ft) 3.0 m (10 ft)3.6 m (12 ft)Front L80HzLFEFront R Center SurroundRSurroundBack R Subwoofer0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dBSurround BackSp.Small / 2spkrs2 Delay TimeThis parameter is for optimizing the timing withwhich the audio signals are produced from thespeakers and subwoofer according to the listeningposition.SBL & SBR3.0 m (10 ft)SurroundBack L0 dBSurroundL0 dB16 (SurroundSpeakerSetting)Use this function when using multiplesurround speaker combinations formore ideal surround sound. Once thecombinations of surround speakers tobe used for the different surroundmodes are preset, the surroundspeakers are selected automaticallyaccording to the surround mode.DOLBY/DTSCINEMADOLBY/DTSMUSICDOLBY/PL IIxGAME5CH/7CHSTEREOMULTICHMODEEXT.INA A A A A ADSPSIMULATIONAWIDESCREENA3. Input SetupInput Setup Default settingsDigital InAssignmentExt. InSubwooferLevelComponentIn AssignVideo InputModeAuto TunerPresetsThis assigns the digital input jacks for thedifferent input sources.Set the Ext. In Subwoofer terminal playbacklevel.This assigns the color difference (component)video input jacks for the different input sources.Set the input signal to be output from the monitoroutput terminal.FM stations are received automatically and storedin the memory.InputsourceDigitalInputsCD DVD VDP TV DBS CDR/TAPECOAX1 COAX2 OPT1 OFF OPT2 OPT4Subwoofer = +15 dBVCR-1OPT3V. AUXOPT512345VCR-2OFFDVDAUTOVDP TV VCR-1 V. AUX — —VIDEO1 NONE VIDEO2 NONE NONE — —VCR-2NONEDBSVIDEO3A1 ~ A8 87.5/89.1/98.1/108.0/90.1/90.1/90.1/90.1 MHzB1 ~ B8 522/603/999/1404/1611 kHz, 90.1/90.1/90.1 MHzC1 ~ C8 90.1 MHzD1 ~ D8 90.1 MHzE1 ~ E8 90.1 MHzF1 ~ F8 90.1 MHzG1 ~ G8 90.1 MHz4. Advanced PlaybackAdvanced Playback Default settingsAudio DelayDolby DigitalSetupAutoSurroundModeSet the audio delay to delay time the sound andsynchronize it with the picture.Turn the audio compression on or off when down-mixing Dolby Digital signals.Set the Auto surround mode function.0 msOFFAuto Surround Mode = ON1235. Option SetupOption Setup Default settingsTrigger Out1SetupTrigger Out2SetupMuting LevelOn ScreenDisplaySetup LockSet the Trigger Out1 output for the each inputsources.Set the Trigger Out2 output for the each inputsources.This sets the amount of attenuation at audiooutput muting.This sets whether or not to display the on-screendisplay that appears on the monitor screen whenthe controls on the remote control unit or main unitare operated.A setting to prevent flickering.Set whether or not to lock the system setupsettings so that they cannot be changed.ZONE=MAINZONE=2---dB (minimum)On Screen Display = ON / Mode 1Setup Lock = OFF12Power AMPAssignmentSet this to switch the surround back channel’spower amplifier for use for zone2 or zone3. Surround Back34567Zone2 vol.LevelThis sets the output level the zone2 output jacks.This menu is not displayed, when “ZONE2” isselected at Option Setup “Power Amp Assign”.VariablePHONOPHONOCDCDTUNERTUNERDVDDVDTVTVVDPVDPCDR/TAPECDR/TAPEDBSDBSVCR-1VCR-1OFFONOFFONOFFONONONONONONONOFFONONONONONVCR-2VCR-2ONONV. AUXV. AUXONON