60Using online servicesListening to SpotifyIntroduce your Denon to a whole new world of music. With Spotify,you can enjoy instant access to millions of songs.A Spotify Premium subscription is required.For details, see the Spotify homepage.http://www.spotify.com1 Prepare for playback.q Check the network environment, then turn on this unit’spower (vpage 18 “Connecting to a home network(LAN)”).w If settings are required, make the “Settings” (vpage 104).e Complete step 5 and obtain a Spotify account.• If you already have a Spotify account, you do not need toobtain a new account. Use your existing Spotify account.2 Press NETWORK.3 Use uio p to select “Spotify”,then press ENTER.Favorites Internet RadioMedia ServerSpotifyNetwork4 If you have a Spotify account, then press ENTER.BACKSpotifyGet StartedIntroduce your Denon to a whole new worldof music. With Spotify, you can enjoy instantaccess to millions of songs.A Spotify Premium subscription is required.Just subscribe at spotify.comExit5 Use ui p to enter your username and password.BACK EnterUsernamePasswordzzzzzzzzzzLog InExitSpotify Log In• The password should be no longer than 99 characters.For character input, see page 84.• The types of characters that can be input are as shown below.GUpper case characters/Numbers/SymbolsHABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÄÀÁÂÃÅÆÇÐÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÖÒÓÔÕØÜÙÚÛÝÞ0123456789! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) z + , ; < = >GLower case characters/Numbers/SymbolsHabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäàáâãåæçðèéêëìíîïñöòóôõøüùúûýþÿß0123456789. @ - _ / : ˜ ? [ \ ] ^ ’ { | }• When you use ui while you type in, you can change uppercasecharacters to lowercase and vice versa.• Press BACK to cancel the input. When “Cancel input?” is displayed,select “Yes”, then press ENTER.6 After inputting the username and password, select“Log In”, then press ENTER.If the username and password match, the top menu for Spotifyis displayed.7 Use ui to select menu and then press ENTER.OPTION[1/5]SearchWhat’s NewStarredPlaylistsAccountsSpotifyOptionSearch Searches for tracks, artists and albums by enteringkeywords.What’s New Displays the list of the latest albums.Starred Displays the list of the starred tracks.Playlists Displays the playlists for Spotify.Accounts Manages accounts (Log out, Add new user, Switchto user).8 Use ui to select a station, and press ENTER or p tostart playback.Playback starts and the following screen appears.OPTIONSpotifyTitleNow PlayingArtistAlbum00:06PauseNext MenuBackPrevious Option