17• Hot cue points are represented by triangles () whose color depends on the hot cuepoint number.• Loops are represented by a light-blue-shaded region. A loop that is brightly lit isactive, while one that is dimly lit is inactive.10. Audio Waveform: This large waveform represents a section of the current track. You canuse the Zoom In / Zoom Out button to adjust the view.• The waveform color-coding indicates the frequency of the audio signal:o Red represents low-frequency (bass) content.o Green represents mid-range-frequency content.o Blue represents high-frequency (treble) content.• The audio playhead (the current track position) is represented by a vertical white linein the center of the waveform.• Beat markers (if there is a beatgrid) are represented by vertical white lines throughoutthe waveform.• Hot cue points are represented by triangles ( and ) whose color depends on thehot cue point number.• Loops are represented by a light-blue-shaded region. A loop that is brightly lit isactive, while one that is dimly lit is inactive.11. Auto-Loop Length: This field shows the current auto-loop length as a division or multipleof the current BPM. Press the X1/2 or X2 buttons to decrease or increase the value.12. Effect Name: This area shows the name of the currently loaded effect/effects. To switchbetween Single-FX Mode and Multi-FX Mode, press and hold Shift and press Tap / FXMode on the desired deck.In Multi-FX Mode, this area will show three effects with one parameter knob each. Pressthe FX On / Select button under an effect to activate it, and turn the corresponding FXLevel knob to adjust its level. You can use only one effect at a time.In Single-FX Mode, this area will show one effect name with three parameter knobs.To move to the next effect (in either mode), and hold Shift and press On / FX Select underthe effect slot on the desired deck. Alternatively, press and hold Shift and turn the FXLevel knob under the effect slot on the desired deck.13. Effect Parameter: This field shows the parameter/parameters of the currently loadedeffect/effects. To switch between Single-FX Mode and Multi-FX Mode, press and holdShift and press Tap / FX Mode on the desired deck.In Multi-FX Mode, this area will show three effects with one parameter knob each, whichcorresponds to the main parameter of that effect. To adjust each effect, turn the FX Levelknob under the effect parameter.In Single-FX Mode, this area will show one effect name with three parameter knobs. Toadjust each parameter, turn the FX Level knob under the effect parameter.14. Effect Beats Multiplier: This field shows the rate of time-based effects on that deck as adivision or multiple of the current BPM. Turn the FX Beats knob to adjust it.