4010. Auto-Loop Length: This field shows the current auto-loop length as a division or multipleof the current BPM. Press the X1/2 or X2 buttons to decrease or increase the value.11. Track Overview: This smaller waveform represents the entire current track. You can usethe Needle Drop strip to jump to a specific point in the track.• The waveform color-coding indicates the frequency of the audio signal:o Red represents low-frequency (bass) content.o Green represents mid-range-frequency content.o Blue represents high-frequency (treble) content.• The audio playhead (the current track position) is represented by a white trianglepointing downward ().• The cue point is represented by a white triangle pointing upward ().• Hot cue points are represented by triangles () whose color depends on the hot cuepoint number.• Loops are represented by a light-blue-shaded region. A loop that is brightly lit isactive, while one that is dimly lit is inactive.12. Audio Waveform: This large waveform represents a section of the current track. You canuse the Zoom In / Zoom Out button to adjust the view.• The waveform color-coding indicates the frequency of the audio signal:o Red represents low-frequency (bass) content.o Green represents mid-range-frequency content.o Blue represents high-frequency (treble) content.• The audio playhead (the current track position) is represented by a vertical white line.• The cue point is represented by a pair of white triangles ( and ).• Hot cue points are represented by triangles () whose color depends on the hot cuepoint number.• Loops are represented by a light-blue-shaded region. A loop that is brightly lit isactive, while one that is dimly lit is inactive.13. Effects: These fields the available effects and their level meters. The active effect’s meterwill be orange, while the inactive effects will be grey. Press the FX On / Select buttonunder an effect to activate it, and turn the corresponding FX Level knob to adjust its level.You can use only one effect at a time.14. Effect Beats Multiplier: This field shows the rate of time-based effects on that deck as adivision or multiple of the current BPM. Turn the FX Beats knob to adjust it.15. Effect Rate: This field shows the rate of time-based effects on that deck. The value isbased on the track’s current BPM, but you can use the Tap button to manually enter adifferent value.