48• MCU Version: This field shows the current versionof microcontroller unit (MCU) firmware yourMCX8000 is using.• Network Address: This field shows the currentnetwork address of your MCX8000. This informationis relevant only when using its Link (Ethernet) port tocontrol lighting and video via StageLinQ.• MAC Address: This field shows the current mediaaccess control (MAC) address of your MCX8000.This information is relevant only when using itsLink (Ethernet) port to control lighting and videovia StageLinQ.• FTP Server: Select ON to allow MCX8000 toconnect to a wireless network, which will enableyou to transfer files to and from a connected USBdrive (this requires a third-party FTP client program).Select OFF to leave MCX8000 disconnected fromthe network.• Syslog Server: This field shows the currentaddress of the syslog server. When MCX8000 isconnected to a wireless network, it will periodicallysend information about its operation to the serverfor development use.Maintenance Settings• MIDI Trans Interval: In the rare instance that yourconnected computer cannot correctly receive real-time MIDI messages from MCX8000 (while usingSerato DJ), this setting determines a specificinterval at which MCX8000 will send its MIDImessages. The available range is 3–10msec. Werecommend using the default value, 4msec.• Touch Sensitivity Left/Right: These settingsdetermine how sensitive the left and right plattersare to your touch. This customizes the platters’touch-capacitive circuitry to your body’s naturalelectrical capacitance and ambient conditions.Adjust these settings only if the platters are notresponding to your touch or are responding beforeyou actually make physical contact with them.• Factory Default: Select OK to return MCX8000and its Utility menu settings to the original defaultvalues/settings. Select Cancel to leave all settingsas they are.• Update Firmware: Select OK to updateMCX8000’s firmware with the file on a connectedUSB drive. Select Cancel to retain the currentfirmware. These options are available only when aconnected USB drive contains a valid MCX8000firmware file. Visit denondj.com to check foravailable firmware updates and instructions.