24ENGLISHWhen “5. RATINGS” is selected1 2 34 5 67 8 90 +10 CLEARENTERCALL RANDOMREPEAT A-B REPEAT NTSC/PALRETURNANGLEAUDIOMENU SUBTITLETOP MENUDISPLAYOP/CLPOWERSET UPV.S.S.PROG/DIRECTSKIP+-SLOW/SEARCH+-12, 3, 43, 42, 3, 43Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the desiredsetting, then press the ENTER button.1. RATING LEVELUse this to restrict playback of adult DVDs you donot want children to view. Note that even with adultDVDs, viewing cannot be restricted unless therestriction level is recorded on the disc.It is however possible to disable playback of allDVDs.2. PASSWORD CHANGEUse this to change the password.The set’s password is set to “0000” by default.✽ To exit the rating setup modeUse the • and ª cursor buttons to select “MAINPAGE”, then press the ENTER button.Press RETURN button, you can go back to theprevious screen.• The screen returns to as it was in step 1.4Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the desiredsetting, then press the ENTER button.q When “1. RATING LEVEL” is selected:Level 0Select this to disable playback of all DVDs.Use this for example to disable playback of adultDVDs on which the rating level is not recorded.Level 1Select this to play only DVDs for children. (Adult andgeneral audience DVDs cannot be played.)Level 2 to Level 8Select this to play DVDs for general audiences andchildren. Adult DVDs cannot be played.NO LIMIT (Factory default)Select this to play all DVDs.Use the number buttons to input a 4-digit password,then press the ENTER button.✽ The set's password is set to "0000" by default.✽ Do not forget the password.✽ The setting cannot be changed without inputting thecorrect password.12 See page 19.4w When “2. PASSWORD CHANGE” is selected:Use the number buttons to input a 4-digit password,then press the ENTER button.✽ Do not forget the password.✽ The setting cannot be changed without inputtingthe correct password.✽ The set’s password is set to “0000” by default.B1 . RAT I NG L E V E L2 . PASSWORD CHANGENO L IM I TXXXX> MA I N PAGEDEC I S ION : ENTER BUTTONRAT ING LEVELSEL ECT :RAT I NGSB1 . RAT I NG LEVEL 0 (LOCK ALL)2345678NO L IMI T1> RAT I NGS> MA I N PAGEDEC I S ION : ENTER BUTTONRATING LEVEL--> NO LIMITSEL ECT :RAT I NG LEVELBOLD PASSWORDNEW PASSWORDCONF I RM PASSWORDDEC I S ION : ENTER BUTTONPL EASE ENTER OLD PASSWORDPASSWORDRemote control unit1 2 34 5 67 8 90 +10 CLEARBCURRENT PASSWORDDEC I S ION : ENTER BUTTONPL EASE ENTER PASSWORDPASSWORDBCURRENT PASSWORDDEC I S ION : ENTER BUTTONPASSWORDXXXXPRESS ENTER TO CONT INUEBOLD PASSWORDNEW PASSWORDXXXXCONF I RM PASSWORDDEC I S ION : ENTER BUTTONPL EASE ENTER NEW PASSWORDPASSWORDBOLD PASSWORDNEW PASSWORDXXXXXXXXCONF I RM PASSWORDDEC I S ION : ENTER BUTTONPL EASE REENTER PASSWORDPASSWORDRemote control unitENTERRemote control unitRemote control unitENTERRemote control unitRemote control unitENTERRemote control unitENTERRemote control unit