41ENGLISHWhen “OTHER SETUP” is selectedSELECTHDMI/DVIOPEN/SUPER AUDIOFORMATNTSC/PAL CLOSECD SETUPPROGRAM/DIRECTCLEARCALLSEARCH MODEAUDIOSUBTITLEANGLEPAGEMARKERRANDOMDIMMERZOOMPICUREADJUSTSETUPMEMORYA-BREPEATSELECTRC-985PURE DIRECTDISPLAYTOP MENURETURNMENUSKIPSLOW/SEARCHPLAYSTILL/PAUSESTOPPOWER OFFPOWER ON11, 2, 31123See page 23.Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the desired setting, then pressthe ENTER button.PLAYER MODEThe DVD video play mode can be set to play the DVD video contentsincluded on a DVD audio disc.CAPTIONSUse this to set whether or not to display the closed captions recordedon DVDs.WALL PAPERUse this to select the image to be shown on the screen in the stopmode and CD play mode.DISPLAYThe setting of whether or not there will be an indication on the display ofthis unit only for the 2 seconds immediately following the operation, evenwhile the display has been off.AUTO POWER MODETo save power, DCD-2910/955’s can automatically be set to the standbymode when it is not used for long periods of time.SLIDE SHOWThe time interval for switching to the next still picture when playingslide shows of still pictures (in JPEG format) can be set.Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the desired setting, then pressthe ENTER button.q When “PLAYER MODE” is selected:AUDIO (Factory default)Set this to play the DVD audio signals as such.VIDEOSet this to play the DVD video contents included on a DVD audio disc.OTHER SE TUPPL AYER MODECAPT I ONSWAL L PAPERAUTO POW ER MODESL I DE SHOWE X I T SE TUPAUD I OOF FBLUEOF FOF F5 SECDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :D I SPL AYOTHER SE TUPPL AYER MODECAPT I ONSWAL L PAPERD I SPL AYAUTO POW ER MODESL I DE SHOWE X I T SE TUPAUD I OV I DEODEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :Remote control unit Remote control unitRemote control unit Remote control unit