52ENGLISH(2) Stopping PlaybackDuring playback, press the STOP button on the main unit or the remotecontrol unit, playback stops and wall paper is displayed.• With the DVD-2910/955, when the STOP button is pressed, that positionis stored in the memory. At this time, “1” flashes on the display. Whenthe PLAY button is pressed after pressing the STOP button, playbackresumes from the position at which it was stopped. The resume playmemory function is cancelled if the disc tray is opened or the STOP buttonis pressed a second time.• After 30 minutes in the stop mode, the DVD-2910/955’s powerautomatically turns off and the standby mode is set. (Auto Power Off)STOPSTOP✽ The resume play memory function only works fordiscs for which the elapsed time is shown on thedisplay during playback.Main unit Remote control unitRemote control unitRemote control unit(3) Playing Still Pictures (Pausing)During playback, press the STILL/PAUSE button on the main unit or theremote control unit.• Press the PLAY button to resume normal playback.STILL/PAUSE(4) Forward/Reverse SearchingDuring playback, press one of the SLOW/SEARCH buttons on the main unitor the remote control unit.6 : Reverse direction7 : Forward direction• When pressed again, the search speed increases.• Variable in 4 steps for Super audio CDs and CDs, 7 steps for DVD audio(movie part), DVD video and video CD discs.• Press the PLAY button to resume normal playback.SLOW/SEARCHNOTE:• In some cases the menu screen may reappearwhen one of the SLOW/SEARCH buttons ispressed during menu playback on a video CD.STILL / PAUSEMain unitMain unitNOTE:• The resume play memory function does not workduring menu playback of DVD-VIDEO discs.YDVD-2910DVD AUDIO-VIDEO / SUPER AUDIO CD PLAYERSTILL / PAUSEPLAY STOPOPEN/CLOSEHDMI / DVISELECT FORMATSELECTDIRECTAUDIO CDSETUPPURESUPERSTILL/PAUSE buttonSLOW/SEARCH buttonsNumber buttonsSTILL/PAUSE buttonSELECTHDMI/DVIOPEN/SUPER AUDIOFORMATNTSC/PAL CLOSECD SETUPPROGRAM/DIRECTCLEARCALLSEARCH MODEAUDIOSUBTITLEANGLEPAGEMARKERRANDOMDIMMERZOOMPICUREADJUSTSETUPMEMORYA-BREPEATSELECTRC-985PURE DIRECTDISPLAYTOP MENURETURNMENUSKIPSLOW/SEARCHPLAYSTILL/PAUSESTOPPOWER OFFPOWER ONSTOP button SKIP buttonsSKIP buttonsSTOP buttonSLOW/SEARCH buttonsSEARCH MODE button