ENGLISH325w When “DIGITAL OUT” is selected:NORMAL (Factory default)When playing DVDs recorded in Dolby Digital orDTS, bitstream signals are output from thedigital audio output terminals. When playingDVDs recorded in linear PCM or packed PCM,linear PCM signals are output.Select “NORMAL” when making digitalconnections to an AV amplifier with built-in DolbyDigital and DTS decoder.PCMWhen playing Dolby Digital/DTS bitstreamsignals or DVDs recorded in linear PCM orpacked PCM, the signals are converted into 48kHz/16-bit PCM (2-channel) signals and outputfrom the digital outputs. When playing DVDsrecorded in PCM, linear PCM signals are output.e When “LPCM (44.1 kHz/ 48 kHz)” is selected:OFF (Factory default)When playing linear PCM or packed PCM DVDsthat are not copyright-protected, for 2-channelPCM audio signals up to 96 kHz, linear PCMsignals are output as such without beingconverted from the digital outputs. (176.2 kHzand 192 kHz signals are converted to 88.2 kHzand 96 kHz, respectively.)PCM signals of 48 kHz/16 bits and lower areoutput, regardless of whether they arecopyright-protected or not.For DVDs containing multi-channel PCM signals,the digital signals are down-mixed for output intotwo channels, front left and right. (Only the frontleft and right channels are output for sources forwhich down-mixing is prohibited.)When playing copyright-protected linear PCM orpacked PCM DVDs, in consideration ofcopyrights, no digital signals are output forsources exceeding 48 kHz/16 bits. When playingsuch sources, either set to “ON” or make analogconnections. (See page 14.)ONLinear PCM and packed PCM signals areconverted to 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz and output. (ThePCM digital audio output signals are convertedto 48 kHz or less in consideration of copyrights.)When making digital connections to an AVamplifier that is not compatible with 96 kHz/88.2kHz signals, set to “ON”.When playing DVDs recorded in linear PCM orpacked PCM and the unit is set to output digitaland analog audio signals simultaneously, theanalog audio output signals are also converted to48 kHz or below, so we recommend setting to“OFF” and also making analog connections.(See page 14.)r When “BASS ENHANCER (2 CHANNEL)” isselected:OFF (Factory default)No sound is produced from the subwoofer.ONSound is produced from the subwoofer.In this case, set the subwoofer to “YES” at thespeaker settings.AUD I O SE TUPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONAUD I O CHANNE LD I G I TAL OUTDENON L I NKL PCM (4 4 .1 kHz / 4 8 kH z)E X I T SE TUPBASS ENHANCER(2 CHANNEL)NORMALPC MBRemote control unitRemote control unitENTERAUD I O SE TUPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONAUD I O CHANNE LD I G I TAL OUTDENON L I NKL PCM (4 4 .1 kHz / 4 8 kH z)E X I T SE TUPBASS ENHANCER(2 CHANNEL) ONOF FBAUD I O SE TUPSE L ECT : DEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONAUD I O CHANNE LD I G I TAL OUTDENON L I NKL PCM (4 4 .1 kHz / 4 8 kH z)E X I T SE TUPBASS ENHANCER(2 CHANNEL)ONOF FBRemote control unitRemote control unitENTERRemote control unitRemote control unitENTER