![Denon S-101 Operating Instructions Manual Manual pdf 34 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3026985/11eb6bcfa0206d401d2b79a851a02ebe34f.jpg)
31ENGLISHBasic Operation Basic OperationENGLISHJAZZ CLUBROCK ARENAPlaying in the DENON original surroundmodesThis unit is equipped with a high performance DSP (Digital SignalProcessor) which uses digital signal processing to syntheticallyrecreate the sound field. One of 3 preset surround modes can beselected according to the program source and the parameterscan be adjusted according to the conditions in the listening roomto achieve a more realistic, powerful sound. These surroundmodes can also be used for program sources not recorded inDolby Surround Pro Logic or Dolby Digital.Depending on the source being played, the effect may not bevery strong.In such cases, try other surround modes without paying toomuch attention to their names and choose the one you feel isbest.Use this mode to achieve the feeling of alive concert in an arena with reflectedsounds coming from all directions.This mode creates the sound field of a livehouse with a low ceiling and hard walls.This mode gives jazz a very vivid realism.212-channel mode settingsWhen 2-channel signals are input, one of two playback modescan be selected and set according to the 2-channel mode setting,VIRTUAL 1 or VIRTUAL 2. (The VIRTUAL 1 mode is set by factorydefault.)NOTE:• The 2-channel mode cannot be set when Dolby Digital orDTS 5.1-channel signals.• The 2-channel mode is set and stored in the memoryindividually for the different functions.This can be selected if there is no digital input signal, if thedigital input is a PCM or Dolby Digital 2-channel signal and ifthe input is analog.2 Surround parameters eVIRTUAL 1:In this mode, 2-channel sources are played with Dolby ProLogic II Cinema processing. This mode is suited for playingmovie sources recorded in Dolby Surround and regular stereosources.VIRTUAL 2:In this mode, 2-channel sources are played with Dolby ProLogic processing. This mode is compatible with regular DolbyPro Logic playback. With it, the recorded playback image ofsources recorded in Dolby Surround is recreated faithfully.1 Press the DVS/CINEMA button to select“DOLBY VS REF” or “DOLBY VS WIDE” forthe Dolby Virtual Speaker mode.• The Dolby Virtual Speaker indicator ( ) lights.2 Press the SURROUND PARAMETER button,then press the CURSOR 0 or 1 button to select“VIRTUAL 1” or “VIRTUAL 2”.VIRTU L 1• Once the surround parameters have been set, stop operatingthe buttons. After several seconds, the normal displayreappears and the settings are automatically entered.2 Surround modes and their featuresCURSORSURROUNDSURROUNDPARAMETERCURSORDVS/CINEMASTEREO MUSICPHONES