BHT-805B3. Enter the directory and file name, or select a file, and then press the ENT key.Press the BS/C key to return to the FTP MENU screen.DIR/FILE entry box: The FTP client will interpret a character string entered into this box as a directoryname at first, and will therefore send a Change Directory request to the FTP server. If the specifieddirectory exists in the FTP server, the server will change a directory from the default to the specified one; ifnot, the FTP client will interpret the entered character string as a file name and send a Download requestto the server.If the SELECT FILE entry box file name differs from the file name specified in the DIR/FILE entry box, theFTP client will upload with the file name specified in the DIR/FILE entry box.If the ENT key is pressed without entering a character string in the DIR/FILE entry box, the FTP client willupload to the server with the SELECT FILE entry box file name.SELECT FILE entry box: For uploading, it is necessary to select a file to be uploaded to display the namein this entry box beforehand. Without a file name in this entry box, uploading will result in an error.If the attributes (e.g., PD4, FN4, EX4, PD3, FN3, EX3, and data file extensions) of the selected file aredifferent from those specified in the DIR/FILE entry box, an error will result.If No Uploadable Files ExistIf no file exists in the BHT when uploading by FTP is selected, the messageshown on the right displays.Press the BS/C key to return to the FTP MENU screen.116