BHT-805B[2] Uploading the system message file1. Use the cursor keys ([▲] [▼]) or numerical key ([2]) to highlight [2:UPLOAD] and then press the ENT key.The screen displays as shown on the right indicating that the BHT is waitingfor the system message file to be uploaded.2. While the upload is in progress, the screen displays as shown on theright indicating the file name and the number of sent records/the totalnumber of records.Press the BS/C key to abort the upload and return to the SYSTEMMESSAGE menu.3. Upon completion of uploading, the BHT displays the screen shownon the right and the sepaker beeps once.Press the BS/C key to return to the SYSTEM PARAMETER menu.The speaker sounds three times if an error occurs during uploading, and anerror screen displays.Refer to “Chapter 7 Error Messages” - “7.2 System Mode Errors” andremedy the error.- Point - When uploading the system message file, the BHT creates atemporary file named “_B80MSG.FN3” in the user area. Anerror will therefore occur if there is insufficient space in theuser area to create the temporary file.The created temporary file will automatically be deleted afteruploading is complete.128