Barcode Handy Terminal4.5.3 Downloading Files (DOWNLOAD Menu)Download files to the BHT user area from other devices such as the host computer.- Point - • If a file with the same name as one already used in the user area of the target memory inthe BHT is downloaded, the newly downloaded file replaces the old one.• If an auto-start execution program has not been specified (See 4.5.6 [1] Auto-startExecution Program Settings), the directory management program will execute the firstmanaged program from among the programs (.PD4) downloaded to the BHT when theBHT power is turned ON. (Program displayed at the top of the “EXECUTE PROGRAM”menu) Take this into account when determining the file download order.Refer to “4.3 Executing User Programs” for details.Use the following procedure to download files.1. Select “2: DOWNLOAD” at the SYSTEM MENU and then press theENT key.The screen displays as shown on the right.“1: FILE”:Select to download a specific file.“2: HT<-->HT COPY”:Select to download a file from another BHT.Refer to “4.5.5 Copying Files between 2 BHT Units” for details.Press the BS/C key to return to the SYSTEM MENU.The current communication settings display at the bottom of the screen.Transmit speedInterface usedCommunication protocol typeCommunication protocol type YmodemBHT-IrBHTpYmodem protocolBHT-Ir protocolBHT protocolInterface used Opt IrDA interfaceTransmit speed 9600 to 460800 Transmission speed corresponding to eachprotocolRefer to “4.5.6 (5) System Environment Settings (SET SYSTEM Menu)” for details of communicationenvironment settings.55