Barcode Handy TerminalMessage BHT Response Cause SolutionThe date and time settingsscreen displays, awaitingentry.The calendar clockintegrated in the BHT hasstopped because:- the battery cartridge hadbeen removed for along time,- the battery cartridge hadnot been recharged fora long time.Set the current date andtime. (Refer to “Chapter 2BHT Preparation” – “2.4Initial Setup”)The BHT displays this errormessage and automaticallyruns the execution programfrom the point of start-up.Operation was terminatedwithout turning OFF thepower normally with theresume function set, andtherefore resume info hasbeen lost. The applicationrestarts from thebeginning.If this error occursfrequently, contact yoursystem administrator.The message continues todisplay.After shut downabnormally, the BHT hasbeen left without thebattery cartridge loaded,or with discharged batterycartridge loaded, sounsaved data was lost.Contact your systemadministrator.If this error occurs, thewarning tone beeps fivetimes.During execution ofSystem Program, theSystem Program hasattempted to write ontothe write-protected areaof the memory.(xxxxxxxx: Error address)Unload and reload thebattery cartridge, then turnthe BHT on.If this error occursfrequently, make a note ofthe displayed message andcodes and contact yoursystem administrator.147