www.desatech.com 116658-01D115"18"21"23"2 1 /2 "6"8"10"Note:All verticalmeasurementsare from top offireplaceopening tobottom ofmantel shelf. Allmeasurementsare in inches.iNsTallaTioNContinuedNOTICE: If your installation doesnot meet the minimum clear-ances shown in Figure 10, youmust do one of the following:• raise the mantel to an accept-able height• remove the mantelFigure 10 - Minimum Mantel Clearancesfor Built-In InstallationMantel ShelfSide of FireboxOPTIONAL MANTEL INSTALLATIONRefer to instructions provided with the mantelfor assembly instructions. Refer to the follow-ing instructions for system installation. Refer toinstructions on page 6 for hood assembly. Bloweraccessory should be installed prior to mantel ifit is being used (see Installing Optional BlowerAccessory GA3450TA, page 13).1. Assemble cabinet mantel as shown in acces-sory instruction sheet.2. If blower is installed, install a properlygrounded, 120 volt three-prong electrical out-let at fireplace location if an outlet is not there.If possible, locate outlet so cabinet mantel willcover it when installed (see Figure 11).3. Place hearth base against wall at installationlocation. Cut an access hole in hearth base torun gas line to fireplace (see Figure 11). Makesure to locate access hole so cabinet mantel willcover it when installed. Note: You can securebase to floor using wood screws. Countersinkscrew heads and putty over.Figure 11 - Placing Hearth Base Against WallFigure 12 - Installing Cabinet Mantel ontoHearth BaseHearthBaseElectricalOutletPipe and GasShutoff ValveCabinetMantelHearthBase4. Route flexible gas line through access hole inhearth base.5. Center cabinet mantel on hearth base (seeFigure 12). Make sure mantel is flush againstwall and centered left to right on base.6. Use screws provided with mantel accessoryto attach mantel assembly to base (see mantelinstruction sheet).7. Attach flexible gas line to fireplace gas regula-tor. See Connecting to Gas Supply, page 16.8. Route electrical cord(s) through access holesin either side of fireplace with bushing. Plugelectrical cord(s) into electrical outlet.9. Check all gas connections for leaks. SeeChecking Gas Connections, page 17.10. Carefully insert fireplace into cabinet mantel(see Figure 13, page 13). Be careful not toscratch or damage hearth base or cabinetmantel.11. Place metal trim on shoulder screws locatedon the side and to of the fireplace (see Assem-bling Perimeter Trim on page 13). Firmly snaptrim over shoulder screws. Align fireplace inmantel assembly so the trim overlaps mantelevenly on all three sides.