www.desatech.com116658-01D 5REMOvING CERAMIC bRICKLINERS1. Remove screws from top louver and carefullyremove louver (see Figure 2).2. Remove ceramic brick liners with protectivepackaging. The brick liners will be installedlater.3. Remove yellow sticker from top of firebox.4. Replace top louver using screws removed instep 1.Figure 2 - Removing Brick LinersTop LouverScrewsWrappedBrick LinersloCal CoDEsInstall and use fireplace with care. Follow all localcodes. In the absence of local codes, use the lat-est edition of The National Fuel Gas Code ANSIZ223.1/NFPA 54*.*Available from:American National Standards Institute, Inc.1430 BroadwayNew York, NY 10018National Fire Protection Association, Inc.Batterymarch ParkQuincy, MA 02269pRoDUCT FEaTUREsSAFETY PILOTThis fireplace has a pilot with an Oxygen Deple-tion Sensing (ODS) safety shutoff system. TheODS/pilot is a required feature for vent-free roomfireplaces. The ODS/pilot shuts off the fireplace ifthere is not enough fresh air.PIEzO IGNITION SYSTEMThis fireplace has a piezo ignitor. This systemrequires no matches, batteries, or other sourcesto light fireplace.UNpaCkiNGWARNING: Ceramic brickliners are located behind upperlouver and must be removedbefore lighting fireplace.1. Remove fireplace and hood from carton.Log is wrapped and inside fireplace. Do notremove at this time.2. Remove all protective packaging applied tofireplace for shipment.3. Make sure your fireplace includes one hard-ware packet.4. Check fireplace for any shipping damage. Iffireplace is damaged, promptly inform dealerwhere you bought fireplace.HooD assEmBlyWARNING: Always havescreen in place before operatingfireplace. This prevents exces-sive temperatures on fireplacesurfaces.WARNING: Failure to positionthe parts in accordance with thesediagrams or failure to use onlyparts specifically approved withthis fireplace may result in prop-erty damage or personal injury.Tools Required:• Phillips screwdriver • slotted screwdriver• 5/16" hex wrench • scissors1. Cut two plastic straps to remove the log fromthe firebox cavity. Set log aside.2. An optional blower is available. See Acces-sories, page 38. Install optional blower now.Follow installation instructions provided withblower and see page 14 or 15, depending onyour installation.