10104888UNVENTED PROPANE/LP GAS FIREPLACELFP33PRSupplied FireboxHood Must BeUsed at All TimesWire-meshScreenFireboxNoncombustibleMaterial MayProject Off thisSurface abovethe Firebox HoodMantel Shelf13" 16" 19" 21"2 1/2"6"8"10"Note: All verticalmeasurements arefrom top of fireplacehood opening to bottomof mantel shelf.These minimumclearances replace anyother recommendedclearances supplied withyour ANS Z21.11.2approved gas logs.Wall board or facingmaterial (abovefirebox) may be ofcombustible material,including decorativemantel ornaments orother similar projec-tions off of the facingmaterial.FramingMaterialCAUTION: Use only new,black iron or steel pipe. Inter-nally-tinned copper tubing maybe used in certain areas. Checkyour local codes. Use pipe of 1/2"diameter or greater to allowproper gas volume to fireplace. Ifpipe is too small, undue loss ofpressure will occur.INSTALLATIONContinuedMantel Clearances for Built-InInstallationIf placing mantel above built-in fireplace,you must meet minimum clearance betweenmantel shelf and top of fireplace opening.If your installation does not meet the aboveminimum clearances, you must:• raise the mantel to an acceptable heightOR• remove the mantelFigure 15 - Minimum Mantel Clearances for Built-In InstallationINSTALLING GAS PIPING TOFIREPLACE LOCATIONInstallation Items NeededBefore installing fireplace, make sure youhave the items listed below.• external regulator (supplied by installer)• piping (check local codes)• sealant (resistant to propane/LP gas)• manual shutoff valve *• test gauge connection *• sediment trap• tee joint• pipe wrench• approved flexible gas line with gas connec-tor (if allowed by local codes) (not provided)* An A.G.A. design-certified manual shutoffvalve with 1/8" NPT tap is an acceptablealternative to test gauge connection. Pur-chase the optional A.G.A. design-certifiedmanual shutoff valve from your dealer. SeeAccessories, pages 24 and 25.The installer must supply an external regu-lator. The external regulator will reduceincoming gas pressure. You must reduceincoming gas pressure to between 11 and 14inches of water. If you do not reduce incom-ing gas pressure, heater regulator damagecould occur. Install external regulator withthe vent pointing down as shown in Figure16. Pointing the vent down protects it fromfreezing rain or sleet.WARNING: A qualified ser-vice person must connect fire-place to gas supply. Follow alllocal codes.CAUTION: Never connectheater directly to the propane/LPsupply. This heater requires an ex-ternal regulator (not supplied). In-stall the external regulator betweenthe heater and propane/LP supply.Figure 16 - External Regulator with VentPointing DownPropane/LPSupplyTankExternalRegulatorVentPointingDown