www.desatech.com116647-01B 17VENTING INSTallaTIONINSTRUCTIONSContinuedNumber DescriptionHHTK-58 High Wind Round HorizontalTermination Kit (Includes RoundTermination, Wall Firestop,45° Elbow)HHT-58 High Wind Round Termination Kit,GalvinizedHTK-58 Horizontal Round Termination Kit(Includes Round Termination,Wall Firestop, 45° Elbow)HT-58 Horizontal Round Termination,GalvanizedHTS-58 Horizontal Square Termination,GalvanizedHTKS-58 Horizontal Square Termination Kit(Includes: Square Termination,Wall Firestop, 45° Elbow)HTS-58 Horizontal Square Termination,GalvanizedVT-58 Vertical Round Termination,GalvanizedST-58-14 1 4 " S n o r k e l Te r m i n a t i o n ,GalvanizedST-58-36 3 6 " S n o r k e l Te r m i n a t i o n ,GalvanizedSC-58 Storm Collar, GalvanizedWF-58 Wall Firestop, GalvanizedRF-58-6 Roof Flashing - 0 to 6/1 Pitch,GalvanizedRF-58-1 Roof Flashing - 6/1 to 1/1Pitch, GalvanizedVR-58 Vertical Restrictor, GalvanizedS-58 V i n y l S i d i n g S t a n d o f f ,GalvanizedWS-58 Wall StrapCS-58 Cathedral Ceiling SupportFP-58 Firestop PlateSF-58 Stucco Flashing - For usewith HTS-58RF-58 Flat Roof FlashingFIREplaCEINSTallaTIONCHECK GAS TYPEUse proper gas type for the fireplace unit you areinstalling. If your gas supply is not correct, do notinstall fireplace. See retailer where you purchasedthe fireplace for proper fireplace according to yourgas type or to purchase gas conversion kit (see Ac-cessories, page 33).INSTALLING OPTIONAL bLOWERACCESSORYNOTICE: If installing blower inan existing fireplace with gasconnections, shut off gas sup-ply and disconnect heater fromgas supply. Contact a qualifiedservice person to do this.WARNING: If there is a duplexelectrical outlet installed in theright side of the bottom of thefireplace base area, be sure thatthe electrical power to the outlet isturned off before proceeding withblower installation. Failure to dothis may result in serious injury.Model BK InstallationFollow all instructions provided in the bloweraccessory kit.1. Attach the power cord to the blower motorby firmly pushing the two female terminals atthe end of the power cord onto the two spadeterminals on the blower motor (see Figure 25).2. Attach green ground wire from power cordto blower housing using screw provided (seeFigure 25). Tighten screws securely.Figure 25 - Blower Model BKMagneticStripsExhaustPortScrewGreenGroundWireSpadeTerminalsSide ViewLower FireboxCavityBlowerLocation