www.desatech.com 119162-01B8AIR FOR COMbUSTIONAND VENTILATIONContinuedVentilation Air From OutdoorsProvide extra fresh air by using ventilation grills orducts. You must provide two permanent openings:one within 12" of the ceiling and one within 12"of the floor. Connect these items directly to theoutdoors or spaces open to the outdoors. Thesespaces include attics and crawl spaces. Follow theNational Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54,Section 5.3, Air for Combustion and Ventilation forrequired size of ventilation grills or ducts.IMPORTANT: Do not provide openings for inletor outlet air into attic if attic has a thermostat-controlled power vent. Heated air entering the atticwill activate the power vent.Figure 3 - Ventilation Air from OutdoorsOutletAirVentilatedAtticOutletA irInletAirInlet Air VentilatedCrawl SpaceToCrawlSpaceTo AtticINSTALLATIONNOTICE: This heater is intendedfor use as supplemental heat.Use this heater along with yourprimary heating system. Do notinstall this heater as your pri-mary heat source. If you have acentral heating system, you mayrun system’s circulating blowerwhile using heater. This will helpcirculate the heat throughout thehouse. In the event of a poweroutage, you can use this heateras your primary heat source.WARNING: A qualified ser-vice person must install heater.Follow all local codes.NOTICE: State or local codesmay only allow operation of thisappliance in a vented configura-tion. Check your state or localcodes.WARNING: Make sure theselector switch is in the OFF po-sition before installing heater.WARNING: Before installingin a solid fuel burning fireplace,the chimney flue and fireboxmust be cleaned of soot, creo-sote, ashes and loose paint bya qualified chimney cleaner.Creosote will ignite if highlyheated. A dirty chimney flue maycreate and distribute soot withinthe house. Inspect chimney andfirebox flue for damage. If dam-aged, repair flue and fireboxbefore operating heater.WARNING: Seal any freshair vents or ash clean-out doorslocated on floor or wall of fire-place. If not, drafting may causepilot outage or sooting. Use aheat-resistant sealant. Do notseal chimney flue damper.WARNING: Never install theheater• in a bedroom or bathroomunless installed as a ventedappliance, see page 12• in a recreational vehicle• where curtains, furniture, cloth-ing or other flammable objectsare less than 42" from the front,top or sides of the heater• in high traffic areas• in windy or drafty areas