107032-01JFor more information, visit www.desatech.comFor more information, visit www.desatech.com28INSPECTING BURNERSCheck pilot flame pattern and burner flame patterns often.PILOT FLAME PATTERNFigure 56 shows a correct pilot flame pattern. Figure 57 shows anincorrect pilot flame pattern. The incorrect pilot flame is nottouching the thermocouple. This will cause the thermocouple tocool. When the thermocouple cools, the fireplace will shut down.If pilot flame pattern is incorrect, as shown in Figure 57• turn fireplace off (see To Turn Off Gas to Appliance, page 24 for Ther-mostat-Controlled Models or page 25 for Remote-Ready Models)• see Troubleshooting, pages 30 through 32Note: The pilot flame on natural gas units will have a slight curve,but flame should be blue and have no yellow or orange color.Figure 56 - Correct Pilot Flame Pattern (Propane/LP Remote-Ready Shown)Pilot BurnerThermocoupleFigure 57 - Incorrect Pilot Flame Pattern (Propane/LP Remote-Ready Shown)Figure 58 - Correct Burner Flame PatternFigure 59 - Incorrect Burner Flame PatternBURNER FLAME PATTERNFigure 58 shows a correct burner flame pattern. Figure 59 shows anincorrect burner flame pattern. The incorrect burner flame patternshows sporadic, irregular flame tipping. The flame should not bedark or have an orange/reddish tinge.Note: When using the fireplace the first time, the flame will beorange for approximately one hour until the log cures.If burner flame pattern is incorrect, as shown in Figure 59• turn fireplace off (see To Turn Off Gas to Appliance, page 24 for Ther-mostat-Controlled Models or page 25 for Remote-Ready Models)• see Troubleshooting, pages 30 through 3210,000 Btu/Hr Units26,000 Btu/Hr Units10,000 Btu/Hr Units26,000 Btu/Hr UnitsPilot BurnerThermocoupleINSPECTING BURNERSPilot Flame PatternBurner Flame Pattern